
Verification of Rectangular RC Cross Section

The cross-section is rectangular, unilaterally reinforced, and loaded by the bending moment and normal compression force. The program verifies a reinforced concrete section using the method of limit deformation. The maximum allowable strain of concrete in compression is 0.002 to 0.0035. Compression reinforcement is not taken into account. Minimum eccentricity is applied: (Art. 6.1(3)):

The computed degree of reinforcement is checked using the following expressions (Art.

Standard values of coefficients ρmin, ρmax are built-in the program - these values can also be input by the user depending on the selected National annex.

Interaction diagram N-M

Usage ratio of concrete cross-section subject to the combination of bending moment and normal force is determined as |0L| / |0R|. Where L is load and R is strength with prescribed eccentricity.

Bending without normal force

The cross-section is rectangular, reinforced on one side, and loaded by the bending moment MEd.

The permissible moment for a given area of reinforcements As reads (Art. 6.1, Art. 3.1.7(3)):

The limit location of the neutral axis is found from (Art. 5.6.3(2)):

xmax = 0.45d

for concrete C40/45 and lower

xmax = 0.35d

for concrete C45/50 and higher


First, the program computes the ultimate shear strength of concrete VRd,c (Art. 6.2.2(1)).


If the ultimate shear strength of concrete is exceeded, the ultimate shear strength VRd,max is checked (Art. 6.2.3(3)).

Next, the necessary reinforcement area is given by (Art. 6.2.3(3)):

Standard values of coefficients ν, νmax, cot θmin, cot θmax are built-in the program - these values can also be input by the user depending on the selected National annex.

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