

The "Settings" frame allows us to introduce the basic settings of the program, such as standards and theories of analysis, the way of proving the safety of a structure, and individual coefficients of the analysis.

The programs not only contain the pre-defined basic Settings for individual countries, but also allow the user to create user-defined Settings, which can be subsequently used in all GEO5 programs.

The "Select" button allows us to choose an already created setting from the "Settings list".

The "Settings Administrator" button opens the "Administrator" dialog window, which allows us to view and modify an individual Settings. It is also possible to identify the visible settings in the Settings list. Data in the Settings administrator can also be exported and imported.

The "Add to the administrator" button allows us to create user-defined Settings, which are subsequently added to the Settings administrator.

The "Modify" button enables a quick visualization and editing of the current Setting in the opened program. Modifying any of the parameters changes the title to "Input for the current task". Individual analyses are then performed with this local setting. If we consider this setting as suitable also for other tasks, we add the setting into the "Settings administrator" by pressing the "Add to the administrator" button.

The "Input for the current task" setting is usually created when importing older data.

Settings of analysis parameters are performed in the "Piles CPT" tab.

The type of a field test (CPT, SPT) used for the analysis of bearing capacity is selected in this frame.

For the SPT analysis the method of calculation is selected (Décourt-Quaresma, Aoki-Velloso). The other settings in the window do not affect the calculation.

For the CPT analysis all frame options are used - see below.

This frame also allows us to introduce negative skin friction. Parameters of the negative skin friction are defined in the frame "GWT+NSF".

This frame also allows us to introduce soil behavior type (SBT) - classification of soils, which is performed in the frame "Soil Classification".

If the analysis is performed according to EN 1997, other partial factors are defined:

Partial factor of model uncertainty γcal reduces vertical bearing capacity of pile.

Partial factors ξ3 and ξ4 can be either input by the user, or program can calculate standard values depending on number of tests.

Frame "Settings"

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